Monday, June 3, 2019

tutorial hair highlight with cap

tutorial hair highlight with cap

there are many different ways to create highlight on one of these methods is used a cap.this method can be used on long or short hair.

Items needed

  • Thin blue cap

  • Number 6 gold hook

  • white or blue Bleaching powder

  • oxidizing 12%

colorful and Thin garbage bags , hair dryer, olive oil, plastic tailed comb


you need to comb your hair well so that hair comes out of hole easily and without pain.

  • sure your hair is dry
  • take hair out of cap with a hook and put your finger beside the hole to prevent outflow of excess hair
  • the hook shouldn't touch head
  • mix bleaching powder with oxidant to create a Dough like yogurt
  • put material from the bottom toward the center of head
  • wash hair after 30 to 45 minutes then put your favorite hair color

What is the difference between cap highlights and foils?

The foil is then folded over the treated strands to prevent lightening unwoven hairs. The cap method of applying highlights involves the use of a special perforated cap that is placed over the head. ... For a stronger, more dramatic effect, hair may be pulled through every opening and in greater thicknesses.

What is frosted hair?

Hair highlighting/low lighting is changing a person's hair color, using lightener or haircolor to color hair strands. There are four basic types of highlights: foil highlights, hair painting, frosting, and chunking. Highlights can be done in natural or unnatural colors. ... Highlighted hair will make the hair appear fuller.

How do you use Magicap?
Putting on the Magicap
  1. With the logo at the front, place the Magicap on the forehead.
  2. Ask the client to hold it in place, and pull the Magicap over the head.
  3. Pull it down so that it is tight and smooth and make sure it covers the entire hair growth line.
  4. Fold the edges back off the client's face.
What's the difference between highlights and frosting hair?
Highlighting also blends light hair with dark but not in the muted way frosting does. Frosting and highlights are designed to blend in with the natural hair color and are easier to maintain than fully colored hair.

How often should you highlight short hair?

All over color processes should be done every 3-5 weeks for best results. Sooner really isn't necessary, and longer will effect the products ability to lift and deposit evenly. Foil highlights should be done every 6-8 weeks depending on how much contrast there is between your highlights and your natural color.

Can highlights cover GREY hair?

Highlighting to Cover Grays. Gray hair can wash out your skin color, but you can add dimension and contrast without a full dye job. If your hair is less than 25 percent gray, consider getting highlights at the salon. ... Highlights and lowlights will blend better with the silver and won't require as many touch-ups

Do Highlights damage your hair?

3. Highlights and coloring -- Highlights and semi-permanent dyes aren't as damaging as bleach, but they aren't without consequences, Mirmirani says. They can also change the inner structure of the hair, causing a lackluster look and dryness, especially if you frequently color to hide roots or gray hair.

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